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New Single Family Dwelling
Permit(s) Issued
Construction of three guest cabins and a community used barn that includes a kitchen and restroom facilities for the three cabins, storage in the barn, and the 2nd story of the barn will have a Residential Dwelling. All Plan Review Fees were paid under Permit PRSF230495 which is for the Barn/Dwelling/Common Space, See additional permit numbers below for other buildings and permit fees and use tax fees. Permit PRSF231167: Phase 1 to start 09/2023: Cabin #1 230 SQ FT x $150 = $34,500 Plan Review Fee paid under Master Permit PRSF230495 Permit No. PL20210018 Project Name: CR 68 Private Residential Guest Ranch Permittee: William Uhl



1 Permit Application Submittal 05/30/2023      Status: Returned for Correction

2 Permit Application Submittal 06/21/2023      Status: Returned for Correction

3 Permit Application Submittal 07/24/2023      Status: Pending

Unlinked Reviews

Review Type Outcome Est. Completion Date Completed
GIS Land Development Review Approved 08/08/2023 08/11/2023
Lauren Wade ((970) 870-5465)   Send Email
Address assigned: 40343 County Rd 68 Barn SDU: 40343 County Rd 68 Unit B Cabins: 40343 County Rd 68 Unit C, D, E
Planning Review Approved 08/08/2023 08/09/2023
Alan Goldich ((970) 879-2704)   Send Email

The survey submitted shows property not owned by the applicant. Please provide an accurate survey of the property that shows only the land owned by the applicant.

Existing and proposed grade need to be shown on the elevations of all structures.

Please add dimensions to floor plans.

The living area in the barn is meant to be a secondary dwelling unit. Secondary dwelling units are limited to 800 sq ft of habitable space. The habitable space of the barn appears to exceed 800 sq ft. Please confirm.

Please correct project description to include three cabins.
All corrections have been addressed. Application complies with what was approved through SUP PL20210018.
Building Code Review Approved 08/08/2023 08/02/2023
Todd Carr ((970) 870-5330)   Send Email
See Document Markups

Sheet G1.0 Code summary: This project does meet the requirements of a residential dwelling under the 2018 IRC chapter 3, as all dwelling accommodations have to be within one building meaning sleeping, dwelling, sanitation and cooking would have to be in each building per chapter 3. Please insert for Occupancy Type the following: Residential Accessory Use Dwelling Per Routt County Planning SUP PL20210018. Occupant Load Information Per PL20210018 is as follows: -Three Guest Cabins, each cabin is allowed two guests at a time, for a maximum of 6 occupants total sharing the bathroom and kitchen area in the main level of the barn. Please Insert the Following: A Secondary Dwelling to be built per the 2018 IRC will be a stand-alone R-3 Occupancy.

Your work description states "Construction of two guest cabins and monitor barn". Please provide us information on the site plan as to which two cabins your going to construct at this time under this permit, as your plans show 3 cabins not two, so we need to know which cabin your not building on the architectural and site plans. Also the barn is not a monitor barn but rather a Barn with a shared kitchen and bathrooms associated with the use of the cabins, plus an SDU above the main floor per the approved SUP Planning Application. Are you building all of this under this permit, meaning construct the barn, construct the kitchen and bathrooms and dining area, and also the SDU above, as currently we see no details about building an SDU. Please provide back a very thorough phasing plan of what you intend to build under this permit.

We are currently uncertain about the SDU being included in this permit application or not, however if it is intended to be part of this application it's important for you to understand what is required for Secondary Dwelling Units per the 2018 IRC. 1. A Secondary Dwelling unit is considered a stand alone dwelling in the IRC, SDU's are limited to 800 Square Feet in total living space per the County Planning Department, also Secondary Dwellings must be separated from any other dwellings with a minimum of a 1-hour fire rated assembly per the IRC and designed under Section R302.3 which is a Two-Family fire separation section. A Secondary Dwelling must have it's own personal sanitation and kitchen area, meaning it cannot be a shared use, so the SDU must have it's own full bathroom, and kitchen area, see sections below. The Secondary Dwelling also will require it's own dedicated ingress/egress door or protected egress corridor that is rated to 1-hour that will allow direct entry into the SDU and direct egress from the SDU to the exterior. This can be achieved by constructing a 1-hour corridor from the exterior wall tot he staircase and rate the stair case as well, any door leading from this protected corridor into the common shared space will need to be rated at 1-hour with self closing hinges and latches. Other options are build an exterior staircase that leads up to the SDU on the second floor. Currently the plans show now footprint of the SDU at all, no fire separations, or other important information. The SDU area will require a blower door test upon completion, that can only test the square footage of the SDU, condition added to permit that this must be done prior to full CO. R306.1 Toilet facilities. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. R306.2 Kitchen. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen area and every kitchen area shall be provided with a sink. R302.3 Two-family dwellings. Dwelling units in two-family dwellings shall be separated from each other by wall and floor assemblies having not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance rating where tested in accordance with ASTM E119, UL 263 or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code. Fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling and wall assemblies shall extend to and be tight against the exterior wall, and wall assemblies shall extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing. Exceptions: 1.A fire-resistance rating of 1/2 hour shall be permitted in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13. 2.Wall assemblies need not extend through attic spaces where the ceiling is protected by not less than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board, an attic draft stop constructed as specified in Section R302.12.1 is provided above and along the wall assembly separating the dwellings and the structural framing supporting the ceiling is protected by not less than 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board or equivalent. R302.3.1 Supporting construction. Where floor assemblies are required to be fire-resistance rated by Section R302.3, the supporting construction of such assemblies shall have an equal or greater fire-resistance rating.
See Document Markups

You have not listed the approved submitted soils report in the design information. Please state you have reviewed report 22-12786 dated 11/18/2022, also you should liste out the bearing capacities from this report stating your design is in accordance with the values listed. Maximum 2500 PSF and minimum deadload of 600 PSF. Also you list ground snow load values, but you did not provide your designed roof snow load value, please list this.
See Document Markups

Please provide us with structural calculations that were used from the building plans to transfer all vertical and lateral loads to the foundation plans.
See Document Markups

See comments provided on Secondary Dwelling Unit requirements for having a 1-hour fire separation between the SDU and all common shared spaces. This requires a 1-hour floor ceiling separation, or 1-hour wall construction, plus any supporting construction members have to be rated as well, so elements supporting floor construction. Please show us floor plans that outline the SDU area, add a kitchen area, show us the sleeping room if one exists and a legal Egress Window must be labeled on the plans, plus a rated entry stair and corridor to the exterior.
See Document Markups

Sheet A1.1 missing dimensions on the floor plans for room sizes L and W not shown.
See Document Markups

R-30 does not meet the energy code, please change to R-38 on floor insulation on sheet A3.1
See Document Markups

Sheet A3.1 Cabin Loft: Please let us know the intended use, is this for storage only or are you wishing to use this as sleeping area. Sleeping use would have to be designed at minimum in accordance with Appendix Q Tiny Home Building Code appendix. You will have to review Appendix Q and see if you can meet the code requirements for a lofted sleeping area per Appendix Q, if you can then I will accept that as a code approved sleeping loft, but please state and show how all code sections will be met.
See Document Markups

R-38 required on sheet A3.2
See Document Markups

Sheet A3.2 Please list approved roof insulation that will be installed on each cabin, currently this information is not provided to us for review, R-49 is required.
See Document Markups

Sheet A3.2 barn wall and eave drawings. Were missing R-Values for all products in foundation, underslab, walls and roof, please add R-values.
See Document Markups

All windows must have a U-factor of .30 or less, please change this on window schedule on sheet A4.0

The Barn Plan provided by Timber Frame Headquarters do not reference any Code Information, so they don't mention what code the barn was designed under, no structural design information at all for wind and snow loads, or live or dead loads, some of the sheets are marked up with red ink recommendations as well but no Engineers Stamp is on the plans. Please either have your Structural Engineer who designed your foundation to review these plans and provide us a letter stating he has reviewed the plan in accordance with the 2018 IRC/IBC and per design standard information found on his foundation plans, or have the company or person responsible for the drawings add this information and details to the plans and resubmit along with their calculations.
The Building Department has approved the Building Permit to be issued, however we have set the following condition that requires Sheet A4.0 to be resubmitted for the following reason. On the main level of the barn on sheet A1.1 we have a required 1-hour rated egress corridor that allows the occupants of the SDU to come down the stairs and be located within a 1-hour rated corridor to reach the exit egress for that leads to the exterior of the building. Because this is a 1-hour rated wall on both sides, Door Numbers 114R, 112R, and 113R must be 1-hour doors with self-closing and latching hardware installed on them, currently these doors do not show up as rated on the door schedule on sheet A4.0, please make this correction and resubmit the full architectural set prior to framing inspections being scheduled. Special Note: Door 200 is showing up as a 20-minute door, you are not required to rate this door at all, as we view this doorway and stairway and corridor on the main level as the rated egress route to and from the SDU, so at the top of the stairs you don't have to rate this door into the unit if you choose not too.
GIS Land Development Review Failed 07/24/2023 07/24/2023
Malea Michael-Ferrier ((970) 870-5334)   Send Email
Building Code Review Failed 07/24/2023 07/24/2023
Malea Michael-Ferrier ((970) 870-5334)   Send Email
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet G1.0 Code summary: This project does meet the requirements of a residential dwelling under the 2018 IRC chapter 3, as all dwelling accommodations have to be within one building meaning sleeping, dwelling, sanitation and cooking would have to be in each building per chapter 3. Please insert for Occupancy Type the following: Residential Accessory Use Dwelling Per Routt County Planning SUP PL20210018. Occupant Load Information Per PL20210018 is as follows: -Three Guest Cabins, each cabin is allowed two guests at a time, for a maximum of 6 occupants total sharing the bathroom and kitchen area in the main level of the barn. Please Insert the Following: A Secondary Dwelling to be built per the 2018 IRC will be a stand-alone R-3 Occupancy.
Carried Forward

Your work description states "Construction of two guest cabins and monitor barn". Please provide us information on the site plan as to which two cabins your going to construct at this time under this permit, as your plans show 3 cabins not two, so we need to know which cabin your not building on the architectural and site plans. Also the barn is not a monitor barn but rather a Barn with a shared kitchen and bathrooms associated with the use of the cabins, plus an SDU above the main floor per the approved SUP Planning Application. Are you building all of this under this permit, meaning construct the barn, construct the kitchen and bathrooms and dining area, and also the SDU above, as currently we see no details about building an SDU. Please provide back a very thorough phasing plan of what you intend to build under this permit.
Carried Forward

We are currently uncertain about the SDU being included in this permit application or not, however if it is intended to be part of this application it's important for you to understand what is required for Secondary Dwelling Units per the 2018 IRC. 1. A Secondary Dwelling unit is considered a stand alone dwelling in the IRC, SDU's are limited to 800 Square Feet in total living space per the County Planning Department, also Secondary Dwellings must be separated from any other dwellings with a minimum of a 1-hour fire rated assembly per the IRC and designed under Section R302.3 which is a Two-Family fire separation section. A Secondary Dwelling must have it's own personal sanitation and kitchen area, meaning it cannot be a shared use, so the SDU must have it's own full bathroom, and kitchen area, see sections below. The Secondary Dwelling also will require it's own dedicated ingress/egress door or protected egress corridor that is rated to 1-hour that will allow direct entry into the SDU and direct egress from the SDU to the exterior. This can be achieved by constructing a 1-hour corridor from the exterior wall tot he staircase and rate the stair case as well, any door leading from this protected corridor into the common shared space will need to be rated at 1-hour with self closing hinges and latches. Other options are build an exterior staircase that leads up to the SDU on the second floor. Currently the plans show now footprint of the SDU at all, no fire separations, or other important information. The SDU area will require a blower door test upon completion, that can only test the square footage of the SDU, condition added to permit that this must be done prior to full CO. R306.1 Toilet facilities. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. R306.2 Kitchen. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen area and every kitchen area shall be provided with a sink. R302.3 Two-family dwellings. Dwelling units in two-family dwellings shall be separated from each other by wall and floor assemblies having not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance rating where tested in accordance with ASTM E119, UL 263 or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code. Fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling and wall assemblies shall extend to and be tight against the exterior wall, and wall assemblies shall extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing. Exceptions: 1.A fire-resistance rating of 1/2 hour shall be permitted in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13. 2.Wall assemblies need not extend through attic spaces where the ceiling is protected by not less than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board, an attic draft stop constructed as specified in Section R302.12.1 is provided above and along the wall assembly separating the dwellings and the structural framing supporting the ceiling is protected by not less than 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board or equivalent. R302.3.1 Supporting construction. Where floor assemblies are required to be fire-resistance rated by Section R302.3, the supporting construction of such assemblies shall have an equal or greater fire-resistance rating.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

You have not listed the approved submitted soils report in the design information. Please state you have reviewed report 22-12786 dated 11/18/2022, also you should liste out the bearing capacities from this report stating your design is in accordance with the values listed. Maximum 2500 PSF and minimum deadload of 600 PSF. Also you list ground snow load values, but you did not provide your designed roof snow load value, please list this.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Please provide us with structural calculations that were used from the building plans to transfer all vertical and lateral loads to the foundation plans.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

See comments provided on Secondary Dwelling Unit requirements for having a 1-hour fire separation between the SDU and all common shared spaces. This requires a 1-hour floor ceiling separation, or 1-hour wall construction, plus any supporting construction members have to be rated as well, so elements supporting floor construction. Please show us floor plans that outline the SDU area, add a kitchen area, show us the sleeping room if one exists and a legal Egress Window must be labeled on the plans, plus a rated entry stair and corridor to the exterior.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A1.1 missing dimensions on the floor plans for room sizes L and W not shown.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

R-30 does not meet the energy code, please change to R-38 on floor insulation on sheet A3.1
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A3.1 Cabin Loft: Please let us know the intended use, is this for storage only or are you wishing to use this as sleeping area. Sleeping use would have to be designed at minimum in accordance with Appendix Q Tiny Home Building Code appendix. You will have to review Appendix Q and see if you can meet the code requirements for a lofted sleeping area per Appendix Q, if you can then I will accept that as a code approved sleeping loft, but please state and show how all code sections will be met.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

R-38 required on sheet A3.2
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A3.2 Please list approved roof insulation that will be installed on each cabin, currently this information is not provided to us for review, R-49 is required.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A3.2 barn wall and eave drawings. Were missing R-Values for all products in foundation, underslab, walls and roof, please add R-values.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

All windows must have a U-factor of .30 or less, please change this on window schedule on sheet A4.0
Carried Forward

The Barn Plan provided by Timber Frame Headquarters do not reference any Code Information, so they don't mention what code the barn was designed under, no structural design information at all for wind and snow loads, or live or dead loads, some of the sheets are marked up with red ink recommendations as well but no Engineers Stamp is on the plans. Please either have your Structural Engineer who designed your foundation to review these plans and provide us a letter stating he has reviewed the plan in accordance with the 2018 IRC/IBC and per design standard information found on his foundation plans, or have the company or person responsible for the drawings add this information and details to the plans and resubmit along with their calculations.
It appears more documents were submitted after the start of the 2nd round of reviews. I have not reviewed the documents. A new review process will need to be started.
Planning Review Failed 07/24/2023 07/20/2023
Alan Goldich ((970) 879-2704)   Send Email
Carried Forward

The survey submitted shows property not owned by the applicant. Please provide an accurate survey of the property that shows only the land owned by the applicant.
Carried Forward

Existing and proposed grade need to be shown on the elevations of all structures.
Carried Forward

Please add dimensions to floor plans.
Carried Forward

The living area in the barn is meant to be a secondary dwelling unit. Secondary dwelling units are limited to 800 sq ft of habitable space. The habitable space of the barn appears to exceed 800 sq ft. Please confirm.
Carried Forward

Please correct project description to include three cabins.
External Agencies Review Approved 06/20/2023 06/20/2023
Malea Michael-Ferrier ((970) 870-5334)   Send Email
YVEA - Meter to be located as described by YVEA. They shall not be enclosed, covered or concealed. Violation shall result in termination of service. This approval addresses only the meter and service location. Please go to to fill out all necessary applications and pay $250 application fee. Any questions call Emma at YVEA 970-871-2242 West Routt Fire - Provide interconnected smoke detection per the IRC connected to Heat Detectors on lower level of barn. TG WRFPD Approved.
Building Code Review Failed 06/20/2023 06/19/2023
Todd Carr ((970) 870-5330)   Send Email
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet G1.0 Code summary: This project does meet the requirements of a residential dwelling under the 2018 IRC chapter 3, as all dwelling accommodations have to be within one building meaning sleeping, dwelling, sanitation and cooking would have to be in each building per chapter 3. Please insert for Occupancy Type the following: Residential Accessory Use Dwelling Per Routt County Planning SUP PL20210018. Occupant Load Information Per PL20210018 is as follows: -Three Guest Cabins, each cabin is allowed two guests at a time, for a maximum of 6 occupants total sharing the bathroom and kitchen area in the main level of the barn. Please Insert the Following: A Secondary Dwelling to be built per the 2018 IRC will be a stand-alone R-3 Occupancy.
Carried Forward

Your work description states "Construction of two guest cabins and monitor barn". Please provide us information on the site plan as to which two cabins your going to construct at this time under this permit, as your plans show 3 cabins not two, so we need to know which cabin your not building on the architectural and site plans. Also the barn is not a monitor barn but rather a Barn with a shared kitchen and bathrooms associated with the use of the cabins, plus an SDU above the main floor per the approved SUP Planning Application. Are you building all of this under this permit, meaning construct the barn, construct the kitchen and bathrooms and dining area, and also the SDU above, as currently we see no details about building an SDU. Please provide back a very thorough phasing plan of what you intend to build under this permit.
Carried Forward

We are currently uncertain about the SDU being included in this permit application or not, however if it is intended to be part of this application it's important for you to understand what is required for Secondary Dwelling Units per the 2018 IRC. 1. A Secondary Dwelling unit is considered a stand alone dwelling in the IRC, SDU's are limited to 800 Square Feet in total living space per the County Planning Department, also Secondary Dwellings must be separated from any other dwellings with a minimum of a 1-hour fire rated assembly per the IRC and designed under Section R302.3 which is a Two-Family fire separation section. A Secondary Dwelling must have it's own personal sanitation and kitchen area, meaning it cannot be a shared use, so the SDU must have it's own full bathroom, and kitchen area, see sections below. The Secondary Dwelling also will require it's own dedicated ingress/egress door or protected egress corridor that is rated to 1-hour that will allow direct entry into the SDU and direct egress from the SDU to the exterior. This can be achieved by constructing a 1-hour corridor from the exterior wall tot he staircase and rate the stair case as well, any door leading from this protected corridor into the common shared space will need to be rated at 1-hour with self closing hinges and latches. Other options are build an exterior staircase that leads up to the SDU on the second floor. Currently the plans show now footprint of the SDU at all, no fire separations, or other important information. The SDU area will require a blower door test upon completion, that can only test the square footage of the SDU, condition added to permit that this must be done prior to full CO. R306.1 Toilet facilities. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. R306.2 Kitchen. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen area and every kitchen area shall be provided with a sink. R302.3 Two-family dwellings. Dwelling units in two-family dwellings shall be separated from each other by wall and floor assemblies having not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance rating where tested in accordance with ASTM E119, UL 263 or Section 703.3 of the International Building Code. Fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling and wall assemblies shall extend to and be tight against the exterior wall, and wall assemblies shall extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing. Exceptions: 1.A fire-resistance rating of 1/2 hour shall be permitted in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13. 2.Wall assemblies need not extend through attic spaces where the ceiling is protected by not less than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board, an attic draft stop constructed as specified in Section R302.12.1 is provided above and along the wall assembly separating the dwellings and the structural framing supporting the ceiling is protected by not less than 1/2-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board or equivalent. R302.3.1 Supporting construction. Where floor assemblies are required to be fire-resistance rated by Section R302.3, the supporting construction of such assemblies shall have an equal or greater fire-resistance rating.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

You have not listed the approved submitted soils report in the design information. Please state you have reviewed report 22-12786 dated 11/18/2022, also you should liste out the bearing capacities from this report stating your design is in accordance with the values listed. Maximum 2500 PSF and minimum deadload of 600 PSF. Also you list ground snow load values, but you did not provide your designed roof snow load value, please list this.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Please provide us with structural calculations that were used from the building plans to transfer all vertical and lateral loads to the foundation plans.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

See comments provided on Secondary Dwelling Unit requirements for having a 1-hour fire separation between the SDU and all common shared spaces. This requires a 1-hour floor ceiling separation, or 1-hour wall construction, plus any supporting construction members have to be rated as well, so elements supporting floor construction. Please show us floor plans that outline the SDU area, add a kitchen area, show us the sleeping room if one exists and a legal Egress Window must be labeled on the plans, plus a rated entry stair and corridor to the exterior.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A1.1 missing dimensions on the floor plans for room sizes L and W not shown.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

R-30 does not meet the energy code, please change to R-38 on floor insulation on sheet A3.1
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A3.1 Cabin Loft: Please let us know the intended use, is this for storage only or are you wishing to use this as sleeping area. Sleeping use would have to be designed at minimum in accordance with Appendix Q Tiny Home Building Code appendix. You will have to review Appendix Q and see if you can meet the code requirements for a lofted sleeping area per Appendix Q, if you can then I will accept that as a code approved sleeping loft, but please state and show how all code sections will be met.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

R-38 required on sheet A3.2
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A3.2 Please list approved roof insulation that will be installed on each cabin, currently this information is not provided to us for review, R-49 is required.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

Sheet A3.2 barn wall and eave drawings. Were missing R-Values for all products in foundation, underslab, walls and roof, please add R-values.
See Document Markups
Carried Forward

All windows must have a U-factor of .30 or less, please change this on window schedule on sheet A4.0
Carried Forward

The Barn Plan provided by Timber Frame Headquarters do not reference any Code Information, so they don't mention what code the barn was designed under, no structural design information at all for wind and snow loads, or live or dead loads, some of the sheets are marked up with red ink recommendations as well but no Engineers Stamp is on the plans. Please either have your Structural Engineer who designed your foundation to review these plans and provide us a letter stating he has reviewed the plan in accordance with the 2018 IRC/IBC and per design standard information found on his foundation plans, or have the company or person responsible for the drawings add this information and details to the plans and resubmit along with their calculations.
See comments and conditions of approval added, thank you.
GIS Land Development Review Failed 06/20/2023 06/19/2023
Lauren Wade ((970) 870-5465)   Send Email
Addressing cannot be assigned until confirmation of the barn as a secondary unit. Primary vs Secondary structure will determine whether the barn receives a unit and subsequently, the unit designation of the three cabins.
Public Works Review Approved 06/20/2023 06/19/2023
Tony Brown ((970) 870-5344)   Send Email
Planning Review Failed 06/20/2023 06/07/2023
Alan Goldich ((970) 879-2704)   Send Email
Carried Forward

The survey submitted shows property not owned by the applicant. Please provide an accurate survey of the property that shows only the land owned by the applicant.
Carried Forward

Existing and proposed grade need to be shown on the elevations of all structures.
Carried Forward

Please add dimensions to floor plans.
Carried Forward

The living area in the barn is meant to be a secondary dwelling unit. Secondary dwelling units are limited to 800 sq ft of habitable space. The habitable space of the barn appears to exceed 800 sq ft. Please confirm.
Carried Forward

Please correct project description to include three cabins.
These structures were reviewed and approved through Special Use Permit PL20210018. General locations and sizes match what was approved. There are several items that need addressed prior to Planning signing off. This includes an accurate property description, showing existing and proposed grades on elevations, dimensions of floor plans need to be added, confirmation of the size of the secondary dwelling unit, and correction of the project description. See corrections for more details.
Environmental Health Review Approved 06/20/2023 06/06/2023
Christopher Peters ((970) 870-5354)   Send Email
PRSP230523 OWTS permit issued on 06/06/2023


Paid Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
Routt County Use Tax Fee $172.50 $172.50 Paid 09/13/2023
Building Permit Fee $443.03 $443.03 Paid 09/13/2023
Plan Review Fee $983.14 $983.14 Paid 09/13/2023
Outstanding Fees Amount Paid Owing Date Paid
No outstanding fees.



Inspection Outcome Requested Scheduled Date Inspected
Foundation Inspection Pending
Foundation Drain Inspection Pending
Foundation Water Proofing Pending
Foundation/Underslab Insulation Pending
Framing Inspection Pending
Roofing Inspection Pending
Insulation Inspection Pending
Radon Piping Pending
Shower Pan Inspection Pending
Drywall Inspection Pending
Grading Inspection Pending
Mike Mordi   Send Email
Final Grading Inspection Pending
Tony Brown ((970) 870-5344)   Send Email
Lath/Veneer Inspection Pending
Building Final Inspection Pending
Structural Inspection Pending
Wall/Roof Sheeting Pending
Footing Inspection Passed 4/30/2024 4/30/2024 04/30/2024
Silas Ebbert ((970) 870-5347)   Send Email
Wall/Roof Sheeting Partial Pass 8/29/2024 8/29/2024 08/29/2024
Silas Ebbert ((970) 870-5347)   Send Email


Condition Status Department Category Expiration Date Due Date
Design Engineer on-site Wastewater final report Open Environmental Health Prior to Issuance of TCO/CO/CC
: Design Engineer on-site Wastewater final report, including as Built plans.
Building Department Conditions to be Completed Open Prior to Issuance of CO/CC
: The SDU area will require a blower door test upon completion, that can only test the square footage of the SDU, condition added to permit that this must be done prior to full CO.
Heat Loss Calculations Deferred Submittal Open Prior to Mechanical Permit Issuance for Heat
: Heal Load Calculations must be submitted, reviewed and approved prior to any heating equipment being installed. Must be provided for cabins, and barn building, and SDU.
Building Department Conditions to be Completed Open Prior to Issuance of TCO/CO/CC
: The Building Department has approved the Building Permit to be issued, however we have set the following condition that requires Sheet A4.0 to be resubmitted for the following reason. On the main level of the barn on sheet A1.1 we have a required 1-hour rated egress corridor that allows the occupants of the SDU to come down the stairs and be located within a 1-hour rated corridor to reach the exit egress for that leads to the exterior of the building. Because this is a 1-hour rated wall on both sides, Door Numbers 114R, 112R, and 113R must be 1-hour doors with self-closing and latching hardware installed on them, currently these doors do not show up as rated on the door schedule on sheet A4.0, please make this correction and resubmit the full architectural set prior to framing inspections being scheduled. Special Note: Door 200 is showing up as a 20-minute door, you are not required to rate this door at all, as we view this doorway and stairway and corridor on the main level as the rated egress route to and from the SDU, so at the top of the stairs you don't have to rate this door into the unit if you choose not too.
Miscellaneous Resolved Building Services Prior to Full Building Permit Issuance
: See Comment added below: I sent the applicant an email on 8/11/23 requesting they revise the valuation of work to be permitted, and total valuation, as the cost entered is low compared to other projects and our square foot cost locally. Also reminded the applicant a Certified Contractor must take responsibility.
Building Department Conditions to be Completed Open Building Services Prior to Final Building Inspection
: We cannot perform Final Building inspections on the cabin until after Permit PRSF230495 has been issued, and no TCO will be issued on the cabins until Permit PRSF230495 is fully completed and recieves a TCO. [Todd Carr @ 09/09/2024 9:25 AM]

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